The role of macular pigment in the health of the eye
Il Prof. Bone, direttore del dipartimento di fisica dell’Università della Florida, è uno tra i maggiori esperti di pigmenti maculari. Occhioallaretina è onorato di pubblicare nella sezione Invited Lecture una sua lezione magistrale su questo argomento

Richard A. Bone
Department of Physics, Florida International University

boneThe presence of macular pigment in the human retina, other than as a postmortem artifact, was in dispute as late as the middle of the 20th century. Since then, the dispute has evaporated and the role of macular pigment in the health of the retina is rapidly gaining acceptance in the ophthalmic community. In this article, I will describe the composition and distribution of the pigment, its purported function, particularly in relation to age-related macular degeneration (AMD), and its response to dietary interventio

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